My weight-loss &
health journey

Trusted Best Online Weight Loss Coach In Australia

“My change came when I saw my limiting belief of people pleasing was blocking me from prioritising my health & valuing myself.”


About me
Leah Kapral

Certified Nutritionist and Blood Sugar Coach

Do you feel like a failure because you can’t lose weight?

Have you lost confidence in programs that don’t work for emotional eaters?

I was in my mid 40’s and suddenly I could not lose weight and I felt like a failure! I decided to get an glucose tolerance test and discovered I had insulin resistance, common in perimenopausal women and high performing men and women. Also for the first time my cholesterol had gone up. It was a tap that something must change!

I didn’t feel listened to by the doctor who recommended I only eat fruit for breakfast which I already knew would do did nothing to sustain me and I would be hungry soon after.

This is when I knew I needed to solve the problem of balancing blood sugar with nutrition and emotional eating to feel empowered around my health. I also wanted simple meals as I am highly driven person with a busy lifestyle.

I thought I had a healthy diet, but when I really looked I was eating a lot of hidden sugar and drinking coffee which was causing stress on my body and why I was constantly thinking about food. I discovered I was on the blood sugar rollercoaster, times of energy, then crashes followed by uncontrolled eating. I also noticed body aches and pains and increasing belly fat.

I also was using food to cope when I didn’t feel secure or avoided doing something. My go to’s were processed snacks, coffee and alcohol to comfort me in times of boredom procrastination, upset, worry, overwhelm and confusion. I used food to numb and avoid negative feelings in areas of my that were not working.

I created the Balanced Blood Sugar Method to support emotional eaters to find their relationship with food and energy again and break patterns of using food for comfort, including quitting sugar. The program fills a gap to support busy professionals to unlock their limiting beliefs around food and structure their eating around balancing blood sugar & fat burning, rather than restrictive diets that don’t work for emotional eaters.

Do you want to feel confident, have more energy & enjoy being with people you love for longer?